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William Nechamen Biography and Classes
Since leaving state service in 2017, Bill has undertaken various floodplain related projects through Nechamen Consulting, LLC. This includes project manager of the ASFPM's state to state mentoring program. He is a current co-chair of ASFPM's Floodplain Regulations Committee. He has been a trainer for FEMA's four day "Managing Floodplain Development through the NFIP" class, having co-taught the class three times since leaving state service. He has provided expert services in the field of floodplain management for an ongoing legal case. Bill is also a subcontractor to the Consensus Building Institute project "Building Community Consensus for Adaptation Planning" in Piermont, New York. Prior to 1996, Bill served as New York State's water conservation and water demand management coordinator for the NYSDEC. He also worked as a water policy analyst for the New York State Senate Research Service. Bill has an MS in geography with a concentration in water resources from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.
Bill's classes
Class Descriptions Flood Insurance Rating and Community Sustainability (2 to 4 hours) Federal law requires a flood insurance policy as a condition for a loan from any federally regulated lending institution if the structure that secures the loan is in a FEMA identified Special Flood Hazard Area. While private insurance companies are entering the flood insurance market, most flood insurance policies are through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), under FEMA. Major storms from Katrina to Harvey have resulted in the NFIP fund going deep into debt. Congress has attempted to address problems in the program by passing the 2012 Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act and the 2014 Homeowners Flood Insurance Affordability Act. Both laws have significantly changed how flood insurance is rated, particularly for older structures built prior to the existence of floodplain design requirements. Escalating flood insurance rates for some home owners are making it less affordable to maintain their homes, potentially leading to declining property values and deteriorating neighborhoods. The class will review the flood insurance purchase requirements, including the mandatory purchase requirement, options should property owners dispute the flood zone determination, how flood insurance rates are set by the NFIP, and options for reducing flood insurance rates and minimizing rate increases, including mitigating flood risk to reduce insurance rates. Return to list of Bill's classes